Build contactless menu for your restaurant

Share your menu with beautiful QR Codes. Also keep track of how many people scan your QR Codes, from where and on what date

QR Code for restaurants
Safety first

Safety first

Promote contactless QR Code menus and limit physical contact at your restaurant.

Reduces transmission of viruses and keeps both clients and employees safe.

Easy to build & edit

Easy to build & edit

Building your own Contactless QR Code Menu is just a few clicks away. No technical knowledge required.

Also, you can edit your menu without generating a new QR Code every time.

Reduce costs, earn time

Reduce costs, earn time

Tired of printing multiple menu cards whenever you change your menu? Say no more.

Reduce your printing costs and time editing. Upgrade to QR Code Menus.

Why Digital QR Code Menus are important

Almost every restaurant in the world is upgrading to a QR Code Menu.

Engage walk bys with QR Codes

Find food faster

Your digital menu will contain a search bar, so you can search for food items inside your menu.

Build menu or upload your own PDF

Build custom menu with our system or upload your own PDF. Both ones will come with a QR Code.

Safety for clients & employees

QR Codes can limit physical contact at your restaurant and reduce transmission of viruses so you can keeps both clients and employees safe.

Update Menu and use same QR Code

No need to print a new QR Code every time you make changes to your menu.

Multiple languages

Create your menu with the language you need.

Different menus for day & night

Display different food dishes for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Share menu on social media

Menu Types

Build custom menu with our system or upload your own PDF

Custom Menu

Build your menu with us

Create an account and hit 'Create New Menu' in your dashboard.

Add menu sections like drinks, pastas, main dishes, desserts. And inside sections, add food/items like Cheese Burger, Spaghetti and many more you need.

After finishing your menu, just hit continue and design your QR Code.

Upload PDF

Upload your own PDF menu

Create an account and hit 'Create New Menu' in your dashboard.

Upload your PDF into our system and we will take care of showing it inside your QR Code.

After finishing your menu, just hit continue and design your QR Code.

Practical usage of your Contactless Menu QR Code

Trusted by different restaurants all around the globe, and everyday counting.

Get Started